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19V 7.89A 150W Laptop Power Supply Compatible for HP Omni 100 MS200 MS218CN HSTNN-LA09 462603-001 PA-1151-03 AC Adapter

  • Input Voltage: 100V-240V 50/60hz
  • Output Voltage: 19V
  • Output Current: 7.89A (150W)
  • Connector: 7.4mm*5.0mm
  • Color: black
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3,099 6,399 18% GST Included

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SKU: HP09122022
GTIN: 883585808519
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1 item(s) sold in last 30 days.


462603-001, 463954-001, 497288-001, 519333-001, 585010-001, 600081-001, 608429-001, 613156-001, 693707-001, AL192AA, HSTNN-LA09, PA-1151-03, PA-1151-03HH, PA-1151-03HR, PA-1151-03HV



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